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About Today’s World News And Politics

My name is Dominick Villapiano, The Admin for “Today’s World News And Politics.” My goal is to high-lite current news stories that are relevant to my views opinions and of my personal beliefs. My family and I have suffered from these economics times like many in America. I am dedicated to write and publish commentaries as professional and as non-offensive as possible. I like all of my readers have a vested interest in what happens America.

At TWNAP I ask the questions that are obvious and my commentaries written and based on those questions. I see stories hidden behind the headlines, news that is not reported in full or questions that are not asked by design. The mainstream media will ask what I call “set up questions with-in set up answers”. By Writing, reporting or conducting news this way, this  can create a diversion from the real topic or  the truth, whether done intentionally or unintentionally. News stories should always be in the best interest of the American People. It is very clear to me that this is not the case today.

I understand that it is natural for humans to have opinions and all news in reality and people will have a spin to a degree. For example: If you are “Liberal Progressive,” their news reports and the questions asked will naturally have a liberal slant. At TWNAP my questions and commentaries about Today’s News, Politics and Events will be from a Christian Conservative point of view.

I see corruption on both sides of the political aisle and in other rising political parties. My bias in relation to events today, does not always line up with the traditional  “Republican Conservative” viewpoint in many cases. I interpret much of the news through a biblical view. Also in what I teach and vision through Bible Prophecy. I urge and am open to all rebuttal. All news sources, stories and  links are there for your review.